Beauties, this Easter is going to be different but perhaps its about a change in perspective… to take it as a chance to connect with loved ones in any way that you can. It could be a phone call, it could be a video chat… whatever works for you.
So this Easter, here are some things you could be doing with the loved ones either via video calls or the ones you’re at home with.
Organise a family video chat
Set a specific time where you can have a big group chat with the family who you might have been seeing this Easter – particularly if you’ve got any kids in the family who might be a little confused at why everything is different this time. It’s all about supporting one another.
Do some baking
Do you have a surplus of chocolate received from easter or generally from the snacks cupboard? Why not do some baking… perhaps a nice cupcake recipe or a loaf. If you want to go old school, you could make some chocolate nests!
Online Games
Okay so you can’t do an actual Easter egg hunt this time round, but you can still play some games with your loved ones!
If you love words, start up a Words with Friends scrabble game!
You don’t have to be an artist but if you like Pictionary, you may love this game Drawful.
Want TV suggestions? Here’s an article with the best TV’s for Gaming in 2021
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