If you haven’t heard about how fabulous coconut oil is for almost everything, you must have been having a sleeping beauty moment. Seriously. Over the last few months, the benefits of coconut oil are everywhere.

Here is the WOW BEAUTY guide to coconut oil:


Coconut oil is made up of 100% fat. However, the structure of fat in coconut oil differs from the traditional saturated fat, which means that it’s easier for our bodies to burn it off. Virgin coconut oil, is extracted from the fruit of fresh mature coconuts without using high temperatures or chemicals.

It’s special because it contains the antioxidant Vitamin E.

Skin benefits-

Cleansing: coconut oil makes a great cleanser, especially as a pre-cleanse to remove makeup and surface dirt from your skin.

Moisturising: great when used to moisturise after bathing, especially on damp skin, it is claimed that it can protect the skin from stretch marks and cellulite.

Aging:  due to its proven antioxidant qualities you can apply it to your skin at night as a skin treatment before bed to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and to reduce your skins premature ageing.

Sensitive skin: many people with sensitive skin who use coconut oil have said that it helps to reduce the irritation that they normally experience especially redness and itching. It can also be used to treat certain skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.

Hair benefits-: For those with dry hair it makes a great pre-wash conditioner. I use it to moisturise my ends as it helps to nourish them. (See our post on ‘Hair natures way’)

Nutritional benefits-: it is claimed that it can help with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and weight loss, however moderation is key, as it is a saturated fat.

Cooking: unrefined coconut oil is a natural replacement for all processed oils and margarines, and reduces the amount of fat in some dishes. It can be added to salads as a salad dressing as it perfectly compliments other natural oils.

One of my favourites is Vita Coco Coconut Oil vita cocoavailable at boots chemist and several supermarkets from £5.99 for 250ml

I’d love to know about your experiences with coconut oil email me at hi@wowbeauty






Want to find out even more about coconut oil? This article is very helpful, have a read: https://www.cookingdetective.com/23-health-fitness-weight-loss-benefits-coconut-oil/