If these dark, cold winter nights have got you searching for something to cheer you up, the good news is that the festive season is just around the corner! Christmas is one of the country’s favourite holidays, and it’s easy to see why. There are so many things to bring us joy over the festive period, from the time spent with our nearest and dearest, to the magical seasonal decoration.

But one of the best things about Christmas by far is the delicious food on offer. In fact, food is one of Britain’s favourite things about the festive period, with three quarters of Brits claiming that they enjoy stuffing themselves at Christmas (YouGov).

Of course, there are as many Christmas dinners as there are families, and everyone likes to put their own spin on the classic festive lunch. But, when it comes to the traditional, old-fashioned turkey dinner, it may not be quite as unhealthy as it initially appears.

In fact, a lot of the seasonal favourites in a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings may actually be packed with skin-nourishing goodness. And, as common conditions such as acne, eczema, and rosacea tend to get worse in the winter, this is great news for people with skin problems.

If you’re looking for glowing skin this festive period, The Organic Pharmacy are here to tell us which foods we should get seconds of this Christmas.

turkey webTurkey

It’s safe to say that the majority of us will be having turkey on Christmas day. In fact, a whopping 54% of Brits opt for turkey over any other meat for our Christmas meal (YouGov). And not only is this the main event of Christmas dinner, but it’s great for your skin too!

Turkey is full of zinc, which has anti-aging benefits. This is because this nutrient both plays a role in boosting the bodies natural collagen and maintains the skins elasticity. On top of this, turkey skin is full of vitamin B3, which helps maintain your skins natural protective barrier. This is in turn can lock in moisture to keep the skin hydrated, as well as reduce inflammation and blotchiness (Clearogen).

Brussels sprouts

Whether you love them or hate them, Brussels sprouts are a staple part of a British Christmas dinner. In fact, a quarter of the whole year’s sales of sprouts occur in the two weeks before Christmas (ONS). If you aren’t already a fan of sprouts, the fact that they’re great for your skin may be enough to convince you to add a few to your plate this Christmas.

Brussels sprouts are packed full of antioxidants, which are great for our skin. They work by fighting against free radicals that come from our environment to damage our cells, such as pollution and UV rays. They also fight against oxidative stress, which interferes with our bodies natural production of collagen and trigger inflammation (Dermstore).

Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce is easily one of the most popular accompaniments to a Christmas dinner, and one of the tastiest too. But did you also know that it can be good for our skin? In fact, you could say it’s great for our health in general, as cranberries are considered to be a superfood!

Cranberries are beneficial for some of the most common skin problems, including acne, dry skin, and premature aging. One of the best health benefits of this delicious food is that, just like Brussels sprouts, cranberries are full of antioxidants which can help us maintain our collagen levels and reduce the redness and blotchiness caused by acne (WebMD).

Plus, this delicious fruit is full of fibre which makes it easier to absorb the good nutrients, and therefore makes it easier to reap the skin benefits of cranberry sauce.


This vegetable doesn’t just help you see in the dark, but it can help your skin thrive too! As you may already know, carrots are rich in vitamin C, which is a much-loved vitamin among skincare specialists. Not only does it help the body’s natural collagen production process, which in turn smooths lines and wrinkles, but it fights against free radical damage to cells too.

On top of this, having seconds of a carrot side dish this Christmas can give your skin a gorgeous glow. This comes from a substance found in carrots called carotene, which converts into vitamin A in the body (Annmarie). Not only can this help protect your skin from sun damage, but it can help repair skin damage too, so you can get that gorgeous glow back.

Red cabbage

Braised red or purple cabbage does a lot more than just add colour to your Christmas meal — it’s also a superfood. A nutrient-rich cruciferous or Brassica vegetable, red cabbage (also sometimes called purple cabbage) comes from the same plant family as broccoli and kale. And, it offers many of the same health benefits, too.

Red cabbage owes its vibrant red-purple colour to high levels of anthocyanin (WebMD), a type of flavonoid that is thought to reduce skin inflammation and support collagen production (MDPI). It also contains just about every vitamin under the sun, including vitamins A, C, K, and E, along with plenty of calcium, magnesium, and folate (WebMD). So, you can certainly justify having second helpings of red cabbage on Christmas day this year!


Salmon is more than just a delicious Christmas appetiser — it’s also rich in omega-3, a super ingredient for the skin, nails, and hair. Omega-3 is a healthy fatty acid that is believed to help prevent inflammation (PubMed) and support the retention of collagen and elastin (Huffington Post), both of which keep skin looking supple. Omega-3 is also thought to have a beneficial impact on your skin’s hydration levels, bolstering its ability to retain water and enhancing its barrier function (PubMed) — ideal at this time of year when cold weather and central heating take their toll.

What’s more, your body can’t produce omega-3 naturally: it has to come from your diet or topical application. All the more reason to reach for that smoked salmon canape then!

“While Christmas is often considered to be a time of indulgence, a lot of the food we enjoy during the festive period is good for our health. For example, Christmas veg is packed full of vitamins and nutrients that are great for our whole bodies, including our skin. And popular appetisers like salmon are rich in omega-3, a healthy fatty acid that can support collagen production.

“As these foods are so great for a skin, don’t just stick to eating them at Christmas. Why not try to enjoy them year-round too? And make sure to look out for the nutrients found in these foods — such as zinc, vitamin C, and antioxidants — when shopping for skin care.”

About The Organic Pharmacy

Since the opening of their first store on London’s Kings Road two decades ago, The Organic Pharmacy team have strived to make natural and organic products that work for everyone, at every budget. They produce their award-winning formulas at their state-of-the-art London-based laboratory and factory. The benefits of their products have been both clinically proven by world-class laboratories, and highly praised by their loyal customers. The company offers a wide range of health, skincare, and beauty products, including make-up, body oils, serums, and homeopathic treatments, to name just a few.

For more information, visit: https://www.theorganicpharmacy.com/

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