Beauties, do you know about how much good a little bit of walking can do for you? It’s one of the most accessible forms of exercise as it doesn’t require any extra equipment or a level of fitness: you can really just go at your own pace and you’ll see the benefits. As Hippocrates stated, “walking is man’s best medicine.”

“You do not have to walk for hours. A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your 150 minutes of weekly exercise, as recommended in the physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64” says

So… let’s talk more about the benefits of walking:

It gives you time to catch up on podcasts / audiobooks

Life can get busy and quite often when you’re at home, even if you’re meant to be unwinding you’ll end up distracted, either by emails or the TV or even doom scrolling on your phone… walking minimises distractions and perhaps you can catch up on those podcasts and audiobooks that you’ve been meaning to listen to.

You’ll burn calories without too much effort

One of the joys of walking is that you can go at your own pace, for however long you want. It’s a gentle way to move your body without overexerting it and your body will thank you for it.

Walking is a primal human activity with numerous physical and mental benefits. I recommend my clients aim for 10,000 steps a day to maintain cardiovascular health and a healthy body weight. Walking also aids in mental processing, providing both calming and energising effects,” says Melody Coleman Online PT & Life Coach

Helps improve the cardiovascular system and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness

Walking can help relieve joint pain and stiffness: it can even help prevent arthritis from forming as it helps protect the joints, particularly the knees and hips. It lubricates them and strengthens the muscles that surround them.

Walking supports bone and strengthens muscles and joints

It’s the most common weight-bearing activity we do every day and done regularly, it can help increase bone strength and may even slow the process of osteoporosis.

Walking also helps preserves the flexibility in our joints, helping to improve your posture and strengthening the muscles in the legs, limb girdle and lower trunk.

It can boost your energy

Going for a walk when you’re feeling tired may be a more effective energy booster than those caffeinated drinks you often reach for! Walking increases the oxygen flowing through your body and can also increase the hormones levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, which help elevate energy levels.

Walking is a fab way to unwind and disconnect

Need a moment to just calm your mind? A walk could be just the ticket. Walk away from those distractions at home and work and just focus on the path in front of you… taking a walk could be a great chance to disconnect from your devices and have some time for yourself and your own thoughts. It can also be a great mood booster.

A great form a mediation

You could also take a walk as a form of mediation: controlling your breathing, focusing your thoughts and setting a pace that steadies and calms the mind. And breathe!

Want to start walking more? Make it a routine…

Aim for 30 minutes of walking a day if you can. This could be one longer walk, or divided up into a few, shorter walks throughout the day. they can be beneficial too.

Set yourself a goal when planning a walk can help motivate you: it could be to listen to an audiobook or a podcast or to walk to the shops. Having a purpose will help motivate you.

Plan to walk with others: make it a social thing!

If you take public transportation or you’re on the go: get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way or take the stairs instead of the elevator. You could also walk to your local shops instead of driving.

Some people find it motivating to wear a pedometer to measure the amount of steps you do. If this is something you would enjoy, perhaps invest in a smart watch like the Apple Watch or Fitbit to monitor your progress.

So… what do you say? Fancy going for a walk?