Swipe Clean with BYBI’s Oil Cleanser!

Swipe Clean with BYBI’s Oil Cleanser!

I love the feel of an oil cleanser. I love how a good cleansing oil easily glides across the skin, removing any oils and makeup with minimal effort, at the same time as encouraging a little facial massage.

Recently, I have been trying an oil cleanser from BYBI that I’ve been really enjoying. It cleanses beautifully to remove all makeup and dirt, whilst also leaving the skin feeling really moisturised and soft. It gives a noticeable effect to the skin after each use, which is rare and something that I’ve been really enjoying about this product.

This oil cleanser is perfect for a first cleanse as you can also use it around your eyes to remove eye makeup and mascara. Not all oil cleansers work around the eyes and I was very pleased to discover that this one works for me!

What’s to love

  • It feels rich and luxe: I love cleansing oils that have that more ‘fatty’ feel to them, it just feels so luscious and like a real treat.
  • It spreads easily on the skin and feels lovely when massaged in to really get into the pores and loosen up oil and makeup.
  • It’s great for sensitive skin: containing no essential oils or fragrance so it feels very gentle on the skin. It also works wonderfully to remove eye makeup, it doesn’t irritate the eyes and removes the makeup easily and effectively. No work is needed, your makeup will just melt off!
  • When combined with warm water, the oil turns milky to make it easy to remove with a warm damp muslin cloth… gorgeous. Because of the milky texture, it means you’re not left with any sort of oily residue on the skin.
  • Even though there isn’t any residue left on the skin, the skin does feel different after using this product… it feels soft, smoothed and hydrated and I absolutely love the effect it gives. It’s almost like I’ve applied a little of a leave-on facial oil… my skin feels great!

 Key Ingredients

Moringa Oil: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, as well as being rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant which helps promote collagen production and increase skin radiance

Jojoba Oil: anti-inflammatory properties and is very moisturising. It’s a great base oil.

Black cumin oil: It possess astringent properties that can help reduce the build-up of impurities on the skin surface, as well as having antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in vitamin A and fatty acids. Find out more about it here.

Hibiscus and papaya oils: both high in AHAs which help to dissolve excess sebum and leave your skin feeling balanced, cleansed and soft. 

Sustainable Because…

BYBI have pledged to be a net zero carbon brand by the end of 2020, meaning they will achieve carbon neutrality across their supply chain by balancing their carbon emissions with carbon removal. Net zero will be achieved through carbon offsetting – a way to balance CO2 emissions by funding projects that remove CO2 emissions.

Additionally, the Swipe Clean carton, cap and glass container are 100% recyclable so can be disposed of in your domestic recycling. Or alternatively, consumers can return the bottle to BYBI to be sterilised and reused like for like as part of their circular recycling scheme, called ReBYBI.

How they’re sustainable…

  • Recyclable packaging (plastic alternatives)

  • Recyclable labels

  • Ethically sourced ingredients

  • Conscious payback and labour practices

By |2024-04-18T11:37:20+01:00August 12th, 2020|Face, It's All About Skin, Sensitive Skin|0 Comments

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