Elemental Fragrance

Elemental Fragrance

If there’s one thing that many of us have relied on for our wellbeing over the last year it’s the power of fragrance to lift our mood,and of course natural fragrances are very popular.  We reached out to our Fragrance contributor, Nana of TriedTestedLoved and asked her thoughts on the Elementals Fragrance collection which we love… have a read!

Elementals is a range of perfumes that are inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Briefly, the theory of the Five Elements Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire, is a central theme in Chinese medicine. These elements symbolise phases of energy and each element is linked to the other. One belief is that all five elements are present in the seasons, in nature and in humans. For balance, all elements need to be in harmony. Each element may be associated with an emotion, a part of the body a taste and a scent. Traditional Chinese Medicine is obviously much deeper than this simple breakdown, but hopefully this give a little background.

The Elementals perfumes are designed to create connections and enhance well-being. Each fragrance is based on the characteristics of the Element it is named after. The aromas of these perfumes are quite distinctive and impactful but they are easy to relate to. These are not obscure, deeply complex fragrances, they are well crafted, linear and highly wearable.

Water smells fresh and aquatic, not too salty but aromatic with woody and citrusy accents. It is comforting and grounding. Wood is powerful dry and slightly smoky, with a fresh element reminiscent of mountains and clean air. To me it is the most “masculine” smelling of the range – although of course this is a unisex brand.

Fire has a mixture of sweet, warm and spicy notes, with a floral twist that is unexpected and vibrant. This one keeps tickling the nose – the spices are very playful indeed.

Earth is a herbal blend of citrus, woods and sweet, powdery flowers, not “earthy’’, mossy or damp in the way I usually associate with earthy smells at all.

Metal has green, airy and cold notes, making it feel harsh and luminous at the same time. I found this very familiar indeed. Definitely unisex, or genderless in my view.

Elementals are quite long lasting too, which is probably due to high quality ingredients. Of course, these are personal evaluations and the names and concepts definitely affected my perception.

However, it is refreshing to discover a brand that has a fresh take on fragrance inspiration, so this was an unexpected delight.

Nana Mensah @TriedTestedLoved has a true passion for beauty. An expert in all aspects of perfume and fragrance, she is also a qualified Aromatherapist, specialising in skin health and skin analysis. She believes in a whole-body approach to beauty and wellness and loves discovering new products. She is a member of the IFA (International Federation of Aromatherapists) and writes articles for magazines on essential oils.

Read more fragrance features here…

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