September is here, the summer has ended and now enters autumn, leading us to the colder months of the year.

To me, Autumn symbolizes change, calmness, focus, rest, togetherness and peace.

Nature around us begins to transform, the evenings are getting darker, the temperature colder and it’s that time of year where everyone actually has an awareness that autumn is now here recognising the transition of nature that surround us.

Autumn is significant! It slowly opens up one’s sensory palette. This is a time to reflect and make (positive) changes, to support you as you strive for what you want in all aspects of your life.



We see/watch the leaves on the trees change from green to glorious colours of brown, red, orange and yellow, they slowly fall to the ground having made their presence over the spring and summer, the end of an era but the beginning of change.

For us it is the time to open our eyes and be aware of the things you have seen and experienced over the course of the year that need to change. Especially any negative events that are happening to you right now!

This is the time to reflect and take action on how you will gradually work on those negatives. Make those changes, Make your life colourful, peaceful and calm. It’s important to support your overall well-being and happiness. You come first!



The leaves fall and change over time. Their textures vary due to the weather. The air surrounds your whole body and you feel the freshness against your skin.

Be surrounded by loved ones who touch you with their love, comfort, cuddles, joy, intimacy and care.

Be more aware of your body’s needs. Any form of exercise, yoga, meditation that supports your body and well-being highlights the benefits of touch be it physical or emotional.



When you step on a bed of leaves you hear that crunchy sound. The chirpy sounds of birds first thing in the morning eventually fade and becomes distant as the fall season envelops us.

You need to be around family and friends who give you fair advice, positive words and guidance, who listen when you need to be heard, are are there for you no matter what.  but most importantly respect and value your choices in life and understand that we all learn by our own experiences.

Listen to music that warms you, motivates you, calms you and lulls you to sleep.


You can smell the change of nature during the autumn season. The air that surrounds us smells fresher and (we become more aware of our breath)one’s breathing slower and calmer. You seem more in tuned to the air you inhale and exhale!

Be in touch with your breathing. Taking a moment to have time to stay in tuned with the smells that surround you. Go for walks, be at one with nature! Enjoy the smell of food, flowers or burn scented candles to heighten the use of your smell in your every day life! This can help to relieve stress and re-centre your inner being.


You taste the change of autumn through the air you inhale to the comfort foods you eat and drink.

When you sit down at mealtimes take your time to chew and taste the flavours of the food you eat. We often rush or just eat for the sake of eating, knowing we need to fuel our bodies. We are living in a diverse cultural environment with easy access to amazing foods of the world. Try new dishes be adventurous with your taste palette.

Autumn is the season of senses and colourful change.

As we shift from summer to fall….what changes do you notice?

About Jenny Vaughan

Mother to a beautiful daughter, SEN specialist retired teacher, supporter of cancer charity (Black women rising), Patient Community Council for Kidney cancer UK, educator, living with cancer and at peace with life, living my best life daily with the challenges I encounter but most importantly I am alive! I am here!

Doing what I love the best being me. I enjoy writing, food, music, artistic, nature, sunshine, talking, being there for others.

Jenny x