Anita please share your daily wellness routine with us

The mornings start with breakfast with Bittu and my son. I tend to have hot water with fresh lemon and then breakfast later.  Once my son heads to school, I do my 20 minute meditation and then get ready for my day.  Evenings are spent at the gym, out with family or friends and at home and always end with lighting our candle, having a long soak in the bath, apply oils to my skin and settling down to quiet time for reading and reflection.

How important is it to make me time and are we getting better at this?

It’s more important than ever to make ‘me time’ and indeed ‘digital free-time’ as we’re bombarded by stimuli, which has become a convenient way to avoid our feelings. Personally, on the few occasions I miss out on my morning meditation or nightly bath ritual, I can feel myself connecting with others from my head, rather than my heart and it shows.

What inspired you to develop the products and why is Ayurveda so important to you?

My husband and I spent some time considering how we would create a business that would support us and provide a means to reach our target of raising £1m.  There were some false starts and a lot of misplaced energy, but then it all suddenly fell into place and we realised what we were looking for was there all along.  Bittu’s father is an Ayurvedic Doctor and a huge inspiration.  That we can honour his wisdom and keep it alive for future generations is a privilege.  We are in the fortunate position of having a rich Indian heritage and refined British tastes and this has given us the ability to discern and offer exceptional products.

Mauli products engage all the senses – was this by design or default?

It starts off by default, as creating and seeing beautiful, thoughtfully made things moves me to the core. I appreciate fewer, better things, so everything I surround myself with needs to bring joy on many levels.  While we don’t sit there with a checklist of the senses, I know intuitively when something feels right.  Design then has to be part of the process on a more practical level.  There’s enough product out there and we don’t want to add to the noise, so we just put all our heart into it and hope others will enjoy the end result.

We love the Mauli Rituals Radiance and Exfoliant – read our review.

How do you manage stress?

Mauli is a part of my learning and growth and there are days when I live and breathe my brand ethos and others, where I fall short.  Fortunately, my meditation practice has given me a growing awareness of my triggers, so when I see them coming, I step away, take time to just be and  recalibrate. Spending time with Bittu helps as he always puts things in perspective and has the most calming energy.  A walk in the park with my son and our dog Star is wonderfully healing, as both light up my life and give unconditional love.

How important is it to support other women?

Hugely important.  I tell my small team, the day they stop enjoying what they do, I will personally help them find another job, as life is just too short.  It’s also the most natural thing for me to connect women that I feel will benefit from knowing each other.

How much influence do you think your upbringing had on the business women you have become?

My parents had an arranged marriage, arrived in England at the age of 20 and 22 with two young children, a couple of pounds in their pocket, unable to speak a word of English and no support system to guide them.  Yet, they make a life for themselves, helped transform the lives of others that arrived from India and raised 7 children. Bittu’s parents arrived and as well as running an Ayurvedic practice, they founded a newspaper in Hindi so the local community had a means of knowing what was going on back home.  Our parents had passion and determination, so they would fall, get up and just keep on doing what they were doing. I am not daunted by a lack of knowledge, as I love learning and truly, it’s about the journey.

Based on where you are now in your life, what words of wisdom would you share with your younger self?

The old adage “When you know better, you do better”, so I would tell my younger self to just go easy and be kinder to herself.  I would tell her not to take other people’s issues and projections as her own and that I would always be here for her.  Oh and drink more water.

What is success?

Being comfortable in my skin.

What is your mantra?

Love and Let Go.

Thank you

Denise x

Find out more about Mauli Rituals