When is a body scrub more than a body scrub? When it’s the Skin Alchemists Chocolate Cove Nourishing Body Exfoliate! This luxurious jar of yummy will leave your skin so super soft, silky and moisturised that you may not need to apply a moisturiser afterwards.

Okay so I’m pretty sure that at least half or more of those reading this have used some form of body scrub as part of their body care routine. Whether you call it a body scrub or an exfoliator …whether it’s a sugar base or salt base or a mix of the two the one thing that matters is that it leaves your skin smoother than when you started.

But in a world where we’ve been spoilt with so much choice from so many beauty brands, it’s easy to become a little blasé about products….as if nothing new can surprise us. So it’s a beautiful thing when something as simple as a body scrub becomes a transformative experience….and that’s what Skin Alchemists ‘Chocolate Cove’ Nourishing Body exfoliant delivers.

I love it when I’m chatting with a founder about a new product and their passion shines through: passion for the ingredients that they’ve lovingly sourced and tested, passion for the fragrance and texture and passion for the pleasure that using the product will bring.

The Chocolate Cove is sensual and seductive. It’s a sensory journey from beginning to end. The journey begins with the lush chocolatey packaging… next as you open the dark jar you are enveloped by the exotic fragrance ….with hints of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg and mesmerised by the colour.

Key Ingredients

Raw cacao: known as “food of the Gods” in ancient South American cultures is rich in antioxidants, high in magnesium, vitamin C and the fatty acid Omega 6, promoting cell repair and rejuvenation, a benefit doubled by the added unrefined Cocoa butter.

Himalyan pink salt: contains over 70 different minerals and dead sea salts help soothe itching from dry skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Spices of nutmeg, cinnamon and cardamon: have amazing antibacterial and aromatherapy benefits.

What’s to love

Pretty much everything… scent… texture… leaves your skin silky smooth

We decided to share the love and invited Amanda to try this out and here is what she said:skin alchemists close up

‘It’s Saturday afternoon and I’m lazily having my shower and washing my hair when I see the body scrub Wow Beauty gave me to try resting on the side of the bathtub. So I decide that between washing and conditioning I’ll try the scrub. Reading the instructions on the back of the chocolate jar which I can actually see without a struggle which is refreshing as some labels inscribe in writing so tiny that I lose the will to even attempt and end up taking a picture on my phone and then blowing it up, but I digress.

 So I open it up and it smells divine and proceed to mix some of the oil that settled on the surface. I thought it was going to mix into something soft and mushy but it felt quite stiff and hard. The instructions said to apply to damp skin so I get out of the shower, put on the conditioner and cover my head. 

 By this time my skin is damp in places and dry in others so I rub my skin with a little water and start to scoop out the mixture which comes out in clumps. It doesn’t seem to spread much so I add more and I starting thinking that I’m going to have to apply half of this jar to cover my body. Maybe I have too much skin…….

 A few scoops later and I’ve applied it to my arms, tummy, back and thighs. I decide to leave it there. I haven’t actually used that much in fact so I put the shower on and the water turns into a beautiful silky oil that smells divine and somehow spreads all over my skin as I continue to rub it in. 

 It’s really gorgeous and again, I say it smells divine. Thankfully it’s not scented like chocolate and nor will it remind you of anything edible. It’s got a scent that doesn’t quite consume you but it’s definitely seductive. 

 The final test is how it responds after the shower. Sometimes, body scrubs can start off well, my skin will feel soft and supple and then it gradually starts to go dry and feel either sticky or turn white and then I’m in urgent need of body cream. 

 But this scrub actually left my skin feeling and looking beautiful. I didn’t cream it afterwards and it was fine for hours. 

 Amanda Rabor

Interested in finding out more about the brand? Check out our Founders Talk interview with the founder, Theresa!