Here’s my must have supplements!

Here’s my must have supplements!

It’s very rare that I don’t take supplements to be honest. Thanks to mama, I was introduced to the benefits of B complex and vitamin C as a child, but it was only as a young adult that I truly began to see for myself the impact that certain key vitamins had on me. Now of course I’m aware that there are those who say that we don’t need supplemental vitamins because we get all of the nutrients that We need from our food etc…but clearly I’m not from that school of thinking… My diet would have to be phenomenal which it isn’t …it’s pretty good generally but not consistently.

There are many of us on increasingly restrictive diets too, which often leads to us not getting the full spectrum of food-based vitamins.

Let’s not forget the other factors apart from diet that affect our nutritional levels …like stress, oxidants, illness, age etc….

So here are my current supplement must haves…  (yes there are others that are not listed here like Vit D & MSM)

OG Science – Omega-3 Plus

Sometimes I take my oils by the spoon or I’ll take capsules like these from OG Science: I was introduced to this range by nutritional coach Karen Cummings-Palmer and I love the fact that the provenance of the product is clear. Essential fatty acids are crucial but our bodies can’t make them…of course oily fish like salmon and mackerel or walnuts, chia and flax seeds are great sources if you’re able to eat them or are suitably disciplined.

Benefits of omega 3 

Kiki Health – Nature’s Living Superfood

I’ve been a fan of green superfood blends for over 15 years and I’ve tried numerous different brands …of which I have a couple of favourites but what I recently discovered is that my faves energise me too much… imagine that. It’s like no matter how early in the day that I take them….I’m still alert at 1:00 am….so I decided to try this blend (another recommendation from nutritional coach Karen Cummings-Palmer) and so far so good …energised but not like the Duracell bunny.


  • Good green powder blends usually include the same powerhouse vitamins, antioxidants & nutrients that we’d get from eating loads of greens everyday (of course we still need to eat the fresh kale, spinach, broccoli etc…as we benefit from the fibre as well as the vitamins. Seriously when last did you eat a fresh side of sea vegetables like kelp or some wheatgrass, dandelion leaf and burdock along with your spinach?
  • Cleansing
  • Energising

Buy the Superfood for £29.95 from Kiki Health

Synergy Natural – 100% Organic Wheat Grass

I can definitely vouch for its energising qualities and taking it in powder form is easier than trying to juice it. This is my first time trying this brand and it tastes … green.

Wheatgrass is high in vitamins and minerals and is said to be alkalinising as well as energising.

Buy the Wheat Grass from £7.95 from Your Nutrition Shop

Altrient – Liposomal Vitamin C and B and Mineral Complex Supplements

Liposomal supplements are growing in popularity because they are not usually in tablet or powder form and they mimic the material that our cell membranes are made from = better and faster absorption. Amazing!

Benefits of vitamin C 

  • Powerful antioxidant
  • May help reduce high blood pressure
  • Immunity booster
  • Collagen synthesis
  • Can help heal damaged skin.

Benefits of vit B complex

  • Taking your B vitamins as a complex allows you to benefit from a balanced synergistic formula where you’ll reap the benefits of each vitamin. Eg Riboflavin (B2) is good for boosting skin health and Thiamin (B1) is good for boosting the nervous system.
  • Overall b complex directly impact our energy levels and brain function
  • Cardiovascular health

Buy the complex for £49 from abundance and health

Buy the Vitamin C supplement for £39.99 from Abundance and Health 

Wild Nutrition – Ashwagandha Plus

I love the brand Wild Nutrition because they are passionate about using high grade ingredients and Food-Grown technology plus they have a keen focus on women’s health concerns ….love that!


  • Firstly… it’s incredibly healthy medicinal herb… in fact, its one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda.
  • It’s stress busting: it’s classified as an “adaptogen,” meaning that it can help your body manage stress
  • It can reduce blood sugar levels through it’s effect on insulin secretion and sensitivity.

Read our full review of the supplement here.

Buy the supplement for £20.50 from Wild Nutrition

Let me just say this is not a guide as to what supplements you should take …this is me sharing what works for me and my lifestyle. I’ve been taking supplements for years and this mix works really well for me in terms of get up and go, stamina and skin. This is my personal experience with supplements… if you have any concerns, please speak to your doctor or a dietitian and listen to your body and how it reacts to what supplements you try.

Denise xx

(*PR gift/sample)
May contain affiliate links

By |2024-07-09T15:34:33+01:00January 8th, 2020|The Wellbeing Zone|0 Comments

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