Beauties I’m excited! Let me introduce you to my very own flower essence!
It’s called CFF : Clarity, Focus, Flow and its been made in collaboration with the fabulous Saskia of saskias flower essences. The journey to this essence began last year when I was working on my intentions and clarifying my way forward …Having dipped in & out of essence use over the years, in 2020 I found myself returning to them and CFF was born out of my personal need for extra support as I work on my intentions.
I’m really proud of this and I’ve managed to let go of my fear that no one would ‘get it’ or ‘buy it’ because I trust that this essence will appeal to the people that need it.
Flower essences have been around since the 1930’s when the homeopath Dr Bach discovered the vibrational power of plants and flowers. Today, alchemists like Saskia of Saskia essences carry the legacy forwards.
This flower essence is designed to support you when you need to develop clarity in your life, perhaps around your purpose or intention, as well as helping you to maintain the focus needed to make things happen and lastly helping you to achieve and maintain that often elusive state of flow.
This magical blend: Rio Clarillo (river essence- flow), Crab Apple (cleansing), Blackberry (focused growth), Peppermint (clarity), Willow (flexibility).
Denise xx