Matcha is becoming a much-loved part of many people’s wellness routines. From it’s fabulous green colour to its numerous health benefits, it’s a great way to start your day.

Erbology’s ceremonial grade Matcha is grown sustainable by small farmers near Kyoto, Japan. Ceremonial grade matcha is the highest grade of matcha tea, traditionally used in Japanese Tea Ceremonies, an elaborate ritual in which the host treats their guests to the finest quality matcha, sometimes along with sweets, and which can continue for several hours.

Here are some quick facts about Matcha

  1. It is packed with antioxidants including the powerful EGCg. Matcha contains the antioxidants of 10 cups of regular green tea
  2. Detoxifies the body as it has a high level of chlorophyll, stimulating the immune system and energises the body, along with detoxifying  your blood and eliminating fungus in the body.
  3. Increases metabolism as it can help your body burn calories 4x quicker than normal.
  4. It’s a great source of energy, releases energy over 4-6 hours so you stay energized throughout the day.
  5. Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium, along with being rich in  fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins.

Today we’re sharing a recipe for a lemon infused matcha from online wellness shop Erbology.

lemon infused matcha
  • For the almond milk
  • 4 tsp Erbology Organic Almond Flour
  • 200ml hot water
For the matcha
  • ¾ tsp Erbology Organic Ceremonial Grade Matcha green tea
  • ⅓ tsp vanilla powder
  • 2 strips of lemon zest
Here’s how you make it
  • First, make your almond milk. Mix the almond flour and hot water with a teaspoon until you have a smooth, creamy consistency, and all the almond flour has dissolved.
  • Add matcha powder and vanilla to a bowl, along with 1 tbsp of the warm almond milk. Blend with a bamboo whisk until matcha is completely dissolved.
  • Add the rest of the warm almond milk and mix well.
  • Add lemon peels to a serving matcha bowl and pour over the latte. Leave for at least 5 minutes to infuse.

Note: If you don’t have a bamboo whisk, you could use an electric coffee frother. Alternatively, add all the ingredients except for the lemon peels into a blender and blend for 10 seconds. Pour into a serving bowl and add the lemon peels. Leave for 5 minutes to infuse.

Buy Erbology Organic Ceremonial Grade Matcha green tea