Aromatherapy has long been acknowledged as having the potential to help us with so many of the health difficulties and ailments which have come to be associated with the fast-paced, often stressful lifestyles of the modern day. It’s more than just a smell as what essential oils and aromatherapy can tap into is something much deeper.

We begin to understand this when we take a closer look at the brain’s complicated limbic system; an area so associated with memories and feeling that it is often referred to as our ’emotional brain’. Here, within the limbic system, lies the olfactory bulb (olfaction: relating to the sense of smell), which has intimate access to the hippocampus, which is responsible for associative learning, and the amygdala which processes emotion. Through the psychological process of odour association, Essential Oil’s can trigger memories and influence moods,” says Aromatherapist and founder of Inner Senses, Lisa Basso.

So today we thought we’d share some Aromatherapy based products that we’re particularly fond of and could help you manage your stress and anxiety.

Aromatherapy Associates Forest Therapy Bath and Shower Oil

It’s easy to wonder just how much a bath oil can do for our wellbeing and just how much you can write about it…. especially if you’re used to using ordinary bath oils. Essentially it smells nice and hopefully your skin is left moisturised after a lovely soak…right? Well Aromatherapy Associates oils are far from ordinary and they deliver on many levels. Their Forest Therapy bath and shower oil is lush. Forest Therapy has been developed with the principles of SHINRIN-YOKU – ‘A Japanese practice that involves spending time in nature, amongst the trees, to improve overall wellbeing’. A walk in a park or woods can be a very therapeutic way of relieving stress.

This smells absolutely amazing and when the bath is run, it’s fragrance permeates the surrounding space. The fragrance is a truly innovative and uplifting blend of spicy Pink Peppercorn, young Cypress needles and Macedonian Juniper Berries which makes bathing a nurturing and mindful experience.

Buy the Forest Therapy Oil for £58 from Space NK

Westlab Mindful Bath Salts

 Westlab have a beautiful range of bath products and the Alchemy range is one of our favourites. The ‘Mindful’ bath salts are designed to promote relaxation, containing a gorgeous blend of ingredients. It includes:

  • A base of Himalayan salt which is enhanced by the addition of Epsom salts – which is magnesium well known for its ability to promote relaxation.
  • CBD extract which is the trendy addition here and is included because it is claimed to promote tranquillity.
  • Essential oils of frankincense also known as Olibanum is used in aromatherapy for the relief of stress and anxiety and also as an immunity booster (FYI it is also gorgeous when used in a aromatherapy diffuser)
  • Bergamot: is known for its ability to enhance moods and alleviate stress and anxiety.

Buy the Westlab bath salts for £7.49 from Boots

Zoetic Massage Oil

I love a good massage and of course a good massage oil really can make all the difference. This oil from CBD brand Zoetic Is a unique blend of CBD along with essential oils of Bergamot, Thyme, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Neroli and Vitamin E.

I love the light scent which is Primarily of the lavender, eucalyptus and thyme and the texture which is easily absorbed by the skin, without any greasy residue, which for me is always a sign of a quality product.

Buy the Zoetic Massage Oil for £25 from Zoetic

The Nue Co Forest Lungs

This fragrance is designed to be like forest bathing in a bottle and is again meant to work to relieve stress and calm those anxious moments. It smells kind of smoky, woody and green and aims to smell like the compounds that trees emit that are thought to be stress busters.

Buy Forest Lungs for £78 from The Nue Co

THERAPIE Roques O’Neil Calm Balm 

 This balm has been created to “offer vital support when nerves are frayed and need unification gently stroking them back to alignment.” Michelle describes the balm on her website (along with the other products in the ‘Inner Light’ range) as an “emotional second aid, an intense and powerful collection that work at a souldeep level” which definitely feels very true. I think we all suffer from stress at various points in our lives and so anything that can help alleviate this and rebalance ourselves are must-haves for us and this has been a firm favourite for years.

Buy Calm Balm for £38 from Therapie Roques O’Neil

Corrine Taylor Calm Aromatherapy Room & Linen Mist

If you love gorgeous fragrances you’ll love this lush aromatherapy room and linen mist from this fab organic brand. This really does transform any space with its lovely blend of organic patchouli, lavender and frankincense…it’s addictive! It helps you to exhale and is perfect on bedsheets too!

Buy the mist for £21.95 from Corrine Taylor

(*PR gift/sample)