Here’s a piece from our fabulous contributor Sonia Greyson-Newman about how to Spring Clean your life! Sonia is an Award-winning Life Coach, Author, Blogger and Speaker.
We are well into spring in the northern hemisphere. It is a wonderful time of the year, the flowers are blooming, there are new buds sprouting on the trees. You can feel the shift in energy as we move from those short winter’s days to longer sunny days that blend into easy evenings.
As nature shows us, spring is a time for renewal and rebirth. A time to shake off what may have been holding us back during the winter months, as we may have been going a type of hibernation. The weather is warmer too and all of this energy may give you a little spring in your step.
“As nature shows us, spring is a time for renewal and rebirth.”
Traditionally this is a time of the year that we spring clean our homes. And just like you would spring clean where you live, it’s a great time to spring clean your life.
This is an opportune time to go through each area of your life just as you would go through each area of your house, room by room and corner by corner.
Think of your life rooms as love and relationships, finances, family, friends, health, career, and business etc.
As you would do whilst spring cleaning your house, get rid of the clutter, dust and dirt in your life by removing what is no longer serving you, stopping you from moving forward and taking up space unnecessarily.
Make a date with yourself over the next few days and ask yourself the following questions:
Where have I been stuck during the winter months?
Winter is a time where we naturally withdraw and store. And our desire to be active and take action may have reduced. This includes our energy levels and we may have found it difficult to move forward and let go of things and behaviours that have kept us in our comfort zone.
What decisions have I been putting off that I know are going to take me to a better place?
Often we know that we need to make a decision to improve our life and our current situation. Therefore, spring is a great time to revisit those decisions we have been putting off as well as those resolutions and goals we may have made back in January that never really got off the ground.
What steps do I need to take in my life to spring forward?
You need to let go of what is not serving you. Dust and remove the cobwebs and the stagnant energy. Go into the corners of the different areas of your life. Just like clearing a cupboard in your home you are going to have to be a little ruthless and purge those things, habits, people and situations in your life that no longer support or are beneficial to you.
As you would in your home, you have to remove the dirt and have an uncluttered, clear environment for energy to flow. Spending a little time asking these questions will help you spring forward in your life.
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