With the world filled with sound and distractions, you may be thinking it’s counter intuitive to think that sound therapy can help but it can! Sound therapy has roots in various cultures to promote relaxation, reduce stress and support your wellbeing.

Let’s talk about its history, benefits and the techniques that you can bring into your everyday life.

The background

Sound therapy, also known as sound healing or vibrational medicine, has its roots in Egyptians, Greeks, Ancient Indian and indigenous peoples. Everything from chanting and drumming to the use of singing bowls and gongs, sound has been employed to create a sense of balance of harmony and connection.

Vedic Sound Healing

Rooted in ancient Indian Vedic traditions, Vedic sound healing is a unique approach to self-discovery and well-being using sound frequencies, mantras, and vibrations to restore balance, promote healing, and facilitate spiritual growth,”  says Nevita, Vedic Sound Healer.

 The science

The human body is composed on systems that vibrate at various frequencies – and sound therapy works by introducing specific frequencies through sound that resonate with these bodily systems. “In recent years it has gained the interest of the NHS and has started providing sound healing to hospital patients. Sound is now used in a variety of medical procedures, including breaking up kidney stones and detecting cancer cells for example,” says Dr. Hana Patel, GP Expert Witness.

A few sound therapy techniques are…

Gong bathssound therapy

Immerse yourself in powerful vibrations of gongs which can help you achieve a deep meditative state and enhanced self-awareness.

Tuning fork therapy

Tuning forks emit certain frequencies when struck and are placed on the body’s acupressure points. This can help balance energy and also promote healing.

Singing bowl therapy

Singing bowls are struck or rubbed and these produce resonant vibrations. They are believed to harmonise the body’s energy centres (chakras) and this promotes relaxation.

Binaural beats

This is done by playing different frequencies in each ear to influence brainwave patterns to lead to a state of relaxation, focus or even sleep. “Binaural beats, in particular, can help the brain achieve states that boost concentration and creativity,” says Bayu Prihandito – Life Architekture, Certified Psychology Expert & Life Coach.

Sound baths

This is done by lying down and allowing various instruments like chimes, crystal bowls and drums to wash over them: this can be quite a therapeutic experience.

Some of the benefits include…

Improves sleep

Some people find that rain sounds or nature sounds help you sleep. Certain sounds like binaural beats or nature sounds have been shown to help people fall asleep faster into deeper sleeps.

Great for meditation

Engaging with sound in a mindful way can help deepen meditation practice and heighten your awareness and focus.

Reduces stress

The soothing tones can help activate the body’s relaxation response to reduce the stress hormone and promote calm.

Enhance your mood

It can also trigger the release in endorphins and other mood enhancing neurotransmitters it improves your emotional wellbeing. “Sound has the power to touch the deepest corners of our souls. During a session, it’s not uncommon for individuals to experience a surge of memories or emotions,” says Bayu Prihandito – Life Architekture, Certified Psychology Expert & Life Coach.

Pain management

Did you know that vibrational frequencies produced by sound instruments may even help alleviate pain by promoting the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. It can also address the underlying cause of many headaches like stress and high blood pressure.

Improve focus

Sound therapy can use specific sound frequencies to balance brain function and help you think clearer. When there is less ‘going on’ in your racing mind, you can thinking more clearly and be more focused too. This could also help improve your attention span.

Here are some ways you can incorporate sound therapy in your life…

Home practice

You can explore sound therapy through singing bowls, chimes or recorded soundscapes. This creates your own space to relax and breathe.

Guided mediation

This can help you achieve a state of relaxation by incorporating sound elements into your guided mediation.

Professional sessions

Consider looking into a train practitioner to experience the full benefits of a sound therapy session.

Sound therapy can be a powerful tool to improve your emotional wellbeing and this will lead to a better sense of wellbeing overall through your body. “Stay Open-minded: Everyone’s experience with sound therapy can vary. While some might feel a deep sense of relaxation, others could undergo a profound emotional release. Embrace and accept whatever feelings and sensations arise,” says Bayu Prihandito – Life Architekture, Certified Psychology Expert & Life Coach.

There are many different ways you can incorporate this into your everyday life: so do try different ones out and see what works for you.